Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake

Dishdupes.com Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake
Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake is a velvety ricotta cheesecake with bright lemon, aromatic rosemary crust, and honey drizzle - a uniquely decadent Italian-American dessert twist.

Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake

Forget Everything You Know About Cheesecake - This Lemony Ricotta Stunner Will Blow Your Mind!

You know those moments when you take a bite of something and it's so unexpectedly delicious that you just sit there speechless for a few seconds? That's exactly what happened to me the first time I tried this ridiculous lemon ricotta cheesecake made with Polly-O ricotta.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Ricotta in a cheesecake? That's weird." But stick with me here because this twist on the classic is worth getting a little adventurous in the kitchen.

See, Polly-O has been making real deal ricotta since forever, using old-school techniques like hand-stirring to get that thick, luscious, creamy texture. Their Impastata ricotta is the dense, rich star of this cheesecake, giving it an amazingly velvety mouthfeel.

And then there's the flavor - whoa buddy! Bright, punchy lemon balanced with just the right amount of sugar. Not too tart, not too sweet. Juuuust right. But here's where it gets really fun...

The crust is made with graham crackers, butter, and rosemary. Yeah, you read that right - fresh rosemary baked right into the crust. It adds this awesome savory, herbal note to contrast the sweet-tart filling. Trust me, it works unbelievably well.

Then you take it over the top with a rosemary-honey drizzle over the whole dang thing. I'm talking floral honey with more fresh rosemary steeped in for an aromatic syrup that smacks you in the face with pure crazy deliciousness.

Making it is a bit of a process with the water bath and long bake/chill time, but 100% worth the effort. Just get some good music going and sip some wine while it works its magic in the oven.

Fair warning though - this cheesecake is definitely a rich indulgence. The thick, dense ricotta filling is decadently creamy and satisfying. So while a slice makes a showstopper dessert, you may want to employ the "oooh I'm so stuffed" food coma nap afterwards.

I know I've hyped this up quite a bit, but I truly haven't gotten this excited about a cheesecake in a long time. It's wildly unique, surprisingly craveable, and just an all-around flavor bomb. Plus, using the high-quality Polly-O ricotta makes it taste like it came from an old-school Italian bakery.

So if you're in a baking rut or just need an excuse to eat an entire cheesecake by yourself with no judgment, please do yourself a favor and make this Lemon Ricotta Cheesecake ASAP. Your taste buds will thank me!

The pullquote on this article could be: "This twist on the classic cheesecake is worth getting a little adventurous in the kitchen."

Disclaimer: This is just my own humble cheesecake-obsessed opinion and Polly-O did not pay me to write this. But they did provide the ricotta which is the real MVP here!

Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake

Polly-O Lemon Ricotta Cheesecake Recipe

prep time with cook time.

Serves 12 slices and contains approximately 400 calories.

Italian-American / Dessert



  • 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/3 cup finely chopped rosemary
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted


  • 2 pounds Polly-O Impastata Ricotta
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 large eggs

Rosemary-Honey Drizzle:

  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
For the ricotta, splurge on high-quality Polly-O Impastata for its dense, thick texture. Use fresh lemon juice and zest for vibrant flavor. Choose a good-quality honey like orange blossom or wildflower for the drizzle. And don't skimp on the rosemary - fresh is best for punchy aroma. Lastly, have all ingredients at room temperature before starting.


  1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease a 9-inch springform pan.
  2. For the crust, mix together graham crumbs, chopped rosemary and melted butter until combined. Press into the bottom and about 1-inch up the sides of the pan. Bake for 8 minutes, then let cool.
  3. For the filling, beat the ricotta in a mixer until smooth and creamy. Add in the sugar and beat until fully incorporated.
  4. Mix in the cream, lemon juice, zest, vanilla and salt until just combined. Beat in the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated.
  5. Pour the filling into the cooled crust. Wrap the bottom of the pan in foil and place it in a larger pan filled with 1-inch of hot water.
  6. Bake for 60-70 minutes until the center is almost set. Turn off oven and let cheesecake remain inside for 1 hour more.
  7. For the drizzle, heat the honey and rosemary in a small saucepan until simmering. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice.
  8. Remove cheesecake from oven and water bath. Let cool completely on a rack, then refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight.
  9. Unmold cheesecake. Drizzle rosemary-honey over the top before serving.

This unique cheesecake highlights the rich, creamy texture of Polly-O's dense Impastata ricotta. The lemon brightens the flavor while the rosemary in the crust and honey drizzle provides an aromatic, herbal note to balance the sweet cheesecake.

Be sure to properly grease the springform pan to prevent sticking. Don't overbeat the ricotta filling once the eggs are added. Creating a water bath ensures even baking with no cracking. Leave the cheesecake in the oven after baking for 1 hour to prevent dramatic dropping. Allow it to chill for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight, so it can fully set up. Drizzle with the rosemary honey just before serving for freshest flavor. Let cheesecake sit at room temp 30 minutes before slicing for creamiest texture.
Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake

Check this video out about Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake.

Rated 4.9 by 27 reviewers.

Recipe Tags: Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake, Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake Recipe

Polly-O Ricotta Cheesecake Recipe FAQ

  1. What makes this cheesecake unique? This recipe puts a fun twist on classic cheesecake by using high-quality ricotta cheese instead of cream cheese or a combination. The Polly-O Impastata ricotta gives it an incredibly rich, thick and creamy texture. Punchy lemon, aromatic rosemary, and a honey drizzle also make the flavors totally unique.

  2. Why ricotta instead of cream cheese? While still indulgent, ricotta is a bit lighter than cream cheese so it creates a deliciously creamy yet not overly dense filling. The Polly-O Impastata variety is incredibly thick and sturdy enough to hold up in cheesecake form. Ricotta also has a slightly tangy flavor that pairs well with the bright lemon.

  3. Is the rosemary flavor overpowering? Not at all! The rosemary is used in two balanced ways - some gets mixed into the graham cracker crust to add an herbal aroma and savory contrast to the sweet filling. More rosemary gets steeped into the honey drizzle to create a floral, aromatic syrup to drizzle over the top.

  4. How lemony is this cheesecake? The filling gets both lemon juice and zest folded in, giving it a pronounced bright pop of lemon flavor. However, it's balanced out nicely by the sweet ricotta base and not overly tart or sour. Think lemon bar mixed with cheesecake!

  5. What's the texture like? Incredibly lush, thick and velvety thanks to the dense Polly-O ricotta used. It has that signature soft, creamy cheesecake texture but seems even more decadently smooth and rich. Not dry or firm at all.

  6. Is it difficult to make? Like most cheesecakes, it requires some effort with a water bath and lengthy baking/chilling time. But the hands-on work is pretty straightforward. Just be sure to allow at least 8 hours total for baking and chilling before serving.

  7. How many does it serve? This makes a standard 9-inch cheesecake that can easily be sliced into 12 rich portions. Maybe even 14 slimmer slices if you want to stretch it further. It's quite filling!

  8. How should I serve it? Let the cheesecake chill thoroughly, at least 6 hours or overnight, to allow it to fully set up. Then simply drizzle the rosemary honey syrup over the top before slicing and serving. Garnish plates with extra lemon zest, rosemary sprigs, or honey if desired.

  9. How long does it keep? When properly chilled, this cheesecake should stay fresh for 4-5 days. The long bake time helps it have a longer fridge lifespan than some cheesecakes. Let it come to room temp for 30 mins before slicing for the best texture.

  10. What do you recommend serving it with? This rich and robustly flavored cheesecake is delicious on its own. But it would also pair nicely with fresh berries, a berry compote or sauce, or even a tart lemon curd for adding more bright lemon punch. For beverages, try it with coffee, tea, or a sweet wine like Moscato.

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